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Filling and Discharge Equipment

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IBC Center Fill Bridge Heavy Duty

Designed to hold a top discharge pump for top extraction where the pump need to be suspended above the container

IBC Center Fill Bridge

Designed to hold the liner during discharge of the liner to help stop the liner collapsing with the product can also be used for the filling procedure if required.

IBC Front Fill Retainer

Designed to work with the TPS Autofill liner. Simply fit the fill flange of the liner into the neck of the bridge and connect your pipe work the liner will fill automatically with no operator involvement. The bridge can also be used for discharging the container from the top.

IBC Ratchet Wringer 500 Liter

Ratchet Wringer är utvecklad för att på ett enkelt sätt hjälpa till med tömningen av alla flytande produkter. Den kopplas till påsen när den är full och vid tömning av containern vrids handtaget för att se till att påsen sträcks upp och innehållet hamnar nedåt utloppet för komplett tömning.

IBC Ratchet Wringer 1000

The Ratchet Wringer has been designed to help with the discharge of all liquid products with simple and easy operation just connect the liner when full and as the container empties wind the handle to keep the bag taught thus allowing all of the product to move towards the discharge outlet for total emptying of the container.

IBC Tilter

The TPS TILTER is designed for the discharge of viscous products.

The IBC container or tote is loaded to the platform and with the use of the over center cam system the container can be tilted by just pulling the handle even when the container is full of product.